It has the same main features you’d expect for drawing and animating: onion-skinning, layer control, and color palette management. GraphicsGale is another solid program made specifically with pixel art in mind. You can see examples of art done with Pyxel Edit on its Twitter page here. If you plan to create tilesets for your environments or levels, a good tile editor can make a big difference in your workflow when it comes to iterating level design. No need to go back through and painstakingly replace tiles manually after an edit. One particularly good workflow feature is tile references that allow you to edit a tile and have each instance of that tile update. You can import an existing tileset or mockup and Pyxel Edit will automatically turn it into useable tiles. Pyxel Edit works just fine for static pixel art and for animating sprites, but a few of its features give it a heavy lean towards creating tilesets. If you’re a freak for features, be prepared to remain satisfied with Pyxel Edit as it exists now.
Even the paid version, though, is slow to update and isn’t the primary focus of its sole developer.
Be warned, the free build no longer receives updates or support. You can pick up the release copy for $9, or the beta build can be downloaded for free. json file for the tiles though.Pyxel Edit is another reliable, cheap option. I think though Pyxel Edit is the only one able to export as a. It does have a lot of nice features for easy colour changes though instead of doing it manually as well as multiple export options. However the request has been made and it's rumoured that it's being worked on. In Aseprite, you kind of do it like photoshop and make it one at a time and use preview mode to see if it's seamless. The main large difference is that Aseprite has a lot of tools pyxel edit currently lacks, but Pyxel Edit is the only program with the easy map tiling and ability to create tiles as you create your maps. Personally I have found animating in it easier since I like to have a certain number of frames show through on onion skin. If you have the steam version I think you can participate in the beta versions. I'm not sure if the angle is adjustable yet. It's also got a live symmetry tool in horizontal and vertical. Such as pixel blur, airbrush/spray can, lasso draw and polyline draw as well as basic shapes both lined or filled. It has more options similar to photoshop and a few classic pixel art tools. Sometimes I use Aseprite instead of Pixel edit. Pyxel Edit for me personally crashes a lot but I don't mind since it's so great and seems to update a lot. I have found this extremely useful on days my laptop is slow.
It has a tile view mode with customizable number of tiles on each side. Similar to Pyxel Edit in that respect but the layout and setup is different with the same end result. Well in Aseprite, you can tag animations and on export it can separate the tagged animations into separate spritesheets or individual frames. Oh nice! And haha me too!! Mine was a gift from a friend through steam.